There are No Surprises with Scadata’s Solutions

Government transparency is more important than ever. At Scadata, we also understand the importance of transparency and strive to make your job easier with our SCADA solution. Every taxpayer dollar must be accounted for, especially during times of tightened budgets and the recent recession. Many would argue that the ability to ascertain how the government uses the public purse is fundamental to democracy. Transparency in the public sector spending promotes fiscal responsibility, checks corruption, and bolsters public confidence � all essential elements of a healthy democracy.

The Association of Government Accountants (AGA) commissioned the Harris Interactive research firm to conduct a survey of public attitudes towards government transparency and accountability. The study found that 90 percent of American adults believe that, as taxpayers, they are entitled to transparent financial management information.

To that end, several state governments have made their books accessible to the public by creating online transparency portals. These government-operated websites make it possible to view the government�s transactions � i.e. who receives state money, how much, and for what purposes. Many of the sites have search features built in, making it easier for interested parties to follow the money and monitor government spending. Today, almost every state operates such a site, making its finances accessible to the public.

What does this mean for you? As a decision maker, you have to justify expenses for your department. Your procurement decisions are under the public microscope, so they had better be sound and in the best interest of the public. When it�s time to invest in new technology you will need to account for factors like quality, compatibility, efficiency, ease of use, and budgetary concerns.

As a department manager, you might be charged with investing in a new data acquisition and management system. Evaluating complex systems can be tricky � especially if you haven�t done it before. With so many SCADA options out there, it can be difficult to discern which one is right for you. We at Scadata make your job a little easier with our no-nonsense approach to software and hardware.

Uniquely designed, Scadata Software offers an easy-to-use, turn-key solution to manage, monitor, control, and analyze large amounts of data onsite or in remote locations. And there�s no need to worry about hidden costs. We don�t charge recurring maintenance or license fees either.

In short, our SCADA approach makes it easier for you to maintain public transparency. We firmly believe that choosing Scadata and our suite of products will make it easier for you to remain accountable to taxpayers. Check out the quality and passion that is the Scadata experience.

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